Marbella 4Days Walking


BRACELIT Payment System

(English below, Español abojo)

Krijg je geld terug wat nog op je betaalbandje staat (meer dan € 5).

Koppel je betaalbandje aan een Bracelit-account vóór woensdag 23 oktober.

Klik hier voor een Bracelit Account

Je kunt je betaalbandje koppelen door de QR-code op de achterkant te scannen of het nummer onder de QR code in het daarvoor bestemde veld in te vullen.

Mocht er een probleem ontstaan, stuur dan een e-mail in het Engels (Google Translate) naar en kopieer ons in CC:


Get Your Money Back what’s left on your wristband (more than €5).

Connect your wristband to a Bracelit Account before Wednesday, the 23rd of October. 

Click here for a Bracelit Account.

You can connect your wristband by scanning the QR code on the backside of it or filling in the number below in the designated field.

If any problem should arise, please send an email in English (Google Translate) to and copy CC us in


Recupera el dinero de lo que quede en tu pulsera (más de 5€).

Conecta tu pulsera a una cuenta Bracelit antes del miércoles 23 de octubre.

Haz clic aquí para crear una cuenta Bracelit.

Puedes conectar tu pulsera escaneando el código QR que aparece en la parte posterior o rellenando el número que aparece a continuación en el campo correspondiente.

Si surge algún problema, envía un correo electrónico en inglés (Google Translate) a y copia a


RECHARGE UNTIL 3/10 OR UNTILL END OF STOCK (only for the first 1000 accounts)

By recharging your wristband now, you won’t have to stand in line and get FREE extra money to spend on drinks, food and in our official M4DW store.

Remember that this year everything is paid with a wristband, at the Walking Village, Plaza del Mar: food, drinks and merchandise in our official tent.

On the 2nd of October, between 10 am and 4 pm, you can pick up your credentials at the registration tent in the Walking Village in Marbella. Location TBC. You can also do this on Walking Days between 8 am – 4 pm. Please bring your proof of registration, either on paper or digitally.

Start times Thursday till Sunday.
● Start DIFFICULT BLUE 30-35 km: 08.00 – 09.00
● Start INTERMEDIATE GREEN 20 – 25 km: 09.00 – 10.00
● Start EASY YELLOW 10 – 15 km: 10.00 – 11.00
● Start Challenge Routes: 06.00 – 07.00
● Finish closes at 16.00 hrs (no exceptions)

Recognisable route signs with coloured arrows indicate all routes.
10 – 15 km: yellow EASY
20 – 25 km: green INTERMEDIATE 
30 – 35 km: blue DIFFICULT 
Challenge: orange

You will cross checkpoints where your wristband will be scanned. There is one(1) checkpoint on the 10 km and Challenge route, two(2) on the 20 km route and three(3) on the 30 km route. There are also toilets, and bottles of water are handed out.

Checkpoint closing times TBC
Checkpoint 1 (10, 20 & 30 km): XX hrs
Checkpoint 2 (20 & 30 km): XX hrs
Checkpoint 3 (30km): XX hrs
Checkpoint 4 (Challenge Route): XX hrs 

Due to road works, we have had to change some routes. You must check the big wall poster on the Start-Finish tent for the latest updates. This will make sure you know about any changes and can plan accordingly. If in doubt, you can always change to another distance. 

This year, we have two Challenge Routes for the well-trained hiker fearless of narrow mountain paths. Click here:

If you are already registered, you can pay the price difference and swap the regular Saturday/Sunday route for a Challenge Route. Only 500 participants are allowed this year, and registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. More information and registration

The official kick-off for M4DW will be on Wednesday evening, the 1st of October. This opening party is open and accessible to the public. You are already registered, but if you want to bring friends, please register them later this year via a form on our website. WHITE PARTY

Food and drinks in the Walking Village. TBC
Floorplan of the Walking Village. TBC
In 2025, Marbella 4Days Walking will take place from the 2nd to the 5th of October, and on the 1st of October, the Opening White Party will take place.

The new M4DW App is available for Android and iOS. On September 29th, we will upload all registration numbers so you can connect your M4DW details.

The App support desk will be in the Organisation tent at the Walking Village. Please feel free to ask all your questions about the app here. Unfortunately, we do not provide support by email.

Do you want to avoid getting up but be served at your table? This is possible when you book a Premium Table. Your table will be ready with delicious bottles of cold drinks. After that, you can use the menu for bottle service. For prices and details of what’s included in each package. TBC

The sun shines very often in Marbella, so always wear sun protection. Be prepared and bring clothes for the fresh morning and maybe a rain shower. Wear good, sturdy walking shoes or sneakers you have already broken into and are familiar with. Perhaps excessive, but every year, we also see participants arriving in flip-flops…. “don’t do it” 😉

Remember to bring your international health insurance card with you. In principle, the ambulance will take you to a public hospital. If you have private insurance, you can check in advance if the policy covers private hospitals. You

opening times tents

Times to be confirmed:

Registration       08.00 – 16.00 hrs
First Aid              08.00 – 16.00 hrs
Organisation     08.00 – 16.00 hrs
Coffee                 08.00 – 14.00 hrs
Catering              12.00 – 19.30 hrs  and Wed + Sat until 22.00 hrs 

start times

Times to be confirmed:

30km                    08.00 – 09.00 hrs
20km                    09.00 – 10.00 hrs
10km                    10.00 – 11.30 hrs

Challenge Routes    07.00 – 08.00 hrs (Saturday & Sunday)