- The Marbella 4Days Walking is organised by Team Marbella 4Days Walking and managed by Clear Focus SL.
- The Marbella 4Days Walking is a non-competitive walking event. Participation is voluntary and entirely at the walker’s own risk.
- All registration must comply with the conditions laid down by Clear Focus SL.
- Due to governmental restrictions, • The number of registrations can be limited since 2020.
- The registration is strictly personal and non-transferable. There is a cool-off period of ten (10) days to cancel your registration and to request a refund of the amount paid. If after this period of participation is waived due to whatever circumstances (including Covid), there is no right to refund the registration fee. You can, however, postpone your registration for up to 1 year.
- The organisation will not cover any additional costs derived from attendance, such as accommodation, flights, trains, and insurance, in case of cancellation, annulment, or substantial modification of the Marbella 4Days Walking, aka Clear Focus SL.
- The Regulations governing Distances and Rewards shall apply to the walking distances and available rewards. Registration is strictly personal and non-transferable. The registration fee will not be refunded if a participant cancels their registration.
- Walking or marching is defined as moving forward so that at least one foot is always in contact with the ground. The following are therefore not allowed:
– the use of any means of transport: - Passing and overtaking are only allowed if it does not hinder other participants.
- Participants must keep to the appropriate designated routes.
- Throughout the Four Days, marching participants are forbidden to:
express any political views.
behave or dress offensively.
carry and/or distribute advertising material unless required in writing by Team Marbella 4Days Walking cq Clear Focus SL.
have any pets or other animals (except for guide dogs for visually impaired participants), prams or pushchairs, loud radios, or other audio equipment with them.
have anything with them that could be reasonably considered dangerous or to inconvenience the other participants seriously.
- Participants are to be decently dressed in the upper body covered at all times.
- Groups are allowed to carry their club shirts.
- The procedures for checking in, starting, and finishing shall be governed by the Regulations Governing the Start and Finish.
- Participants who fail to report to the finish (correctly and in-person) before 16.00 hours daily will be deemed to have withdrawn from the event.
- Any instructions given by the organisers, police, or other officials are to be always followed. Unless expressly indicated otherwise, the Spanish Road Traffic Act and the Spanish Traffic and Road Sign regulations shall remain in full force throughout the 4Days Walking event.
- Infringing the provisions in or according to these rules and regulations can result in (conditional) disqualification from (further) participation.
- Team Marbella 4Days Walking cq Clear Focus SL does not allow the use or abuse of drugs or narcotics.
- By registering to participate in the (four) 4Days Walking, the participant declares that they are familiar with and accept the provisions laid down by or according to these rules and regulations.
- By registering, the participant also agrees to the possible use by Team Marbella 4Days Walking, aka Clear Focus SL of their personal details and/or image in print, on photograph, film or video, etc., for promotional or informative purposes in the interest of the 4Days Walking, without being entitled to demand payment. The use of the material above shall be governed by the (four) 4Days Walking Privacy Regulations
- Barring its legal liability, Clear Focus SL shall not be responsible or (financially) liable for any accidents and/or illness suffered by the participants, for loss of property, or for any other damage allegedly sustained by the participant.
- Marbella 4Days Walking, managed by Clear Focus SL, reserves the right to alter the route, starting and/or finishing times and/or points, and location of the event or to cancel the (four) 4Days Walking, entirely or in part, on the grounds of such extreme weather conditions or other calamity or calamities that Team Marbella 4Days Walking aka Clear Focus SL cannot reasonably be expected to do otherwise. In such cases, participants will not be entitled to a refund of the registration fee nor any compensation for material or immaterial damages incurred but will be offered a free ticket for the next edition,
- Any cases not provided for by these rules and regulations shall be decided by Team Marbella 4Days Walking, aka Clear Focus SL. Team Marbella 4Days Walking will ensure that the appropriate rules laid down by or according to these Rules and Regulations are adequately published or otherwise communicated to all participants.
To avoid alterations in the natural environment during the development of the activities, it is prohibited to deteriorate, alter, or destroy any biotic, geological, cultural, or landscape resource and alter the functioning of natural systems and the behaviour patterns of significantly living beings, including prohibited the following practices:
- Carry out activities that can produce soil losses and change the natural patterns in drains.
- Dispose of and abandon objects or solid or liquid waste outside the authorized places specifically for it.
- Intentionally killing, live capturing, harming, chasing, disturbing, or disturbing wildlife, in particular during the period of reproduction, rearing, hibernation, and migration, and collecting their larvae or hatchlings, altering or destroying their habitats, as well as breeding sites and rest.
- Intentionally destroying, damaging, or removing nests or their eggs, spawning grounds, and spawning grounds, as well as collecting or retaining eggs, even when empty.
- Touch and remove carcasses or remains of animals that could be located during the development of an activity. The finding must be communicated to the Environmental Agents or other agents of authority.
- Destroy, collect, cut, fell, or uproot, in part or its entirety, natural specimens of the
- wild flora, as well as destroy their habitats.
- Collect fossils and minerals.
- Shouting and producing strident noises that disturb the tranquillity of the space and the fauna.
- Make inscriptions or damage signs, fences, fences, buildings, and other elements existing in the natural space.
- Use natural elements to mark the activity permanently or irreversibly.
- Throwing any object capable of producing ignition, such as butts, matches, and lit cigarettes or poorly put out, as well as the use of fire for the preparation of food out of season and the places authorized for it, and the appropriate preventive measures must be adopted to avoid the spread of it. In any case, devices that produce heat using flammable gases or liquids will be placed in areas clear of vegetation in a strip of at least five (5) meters radio around those.
Disclaimer Challenge Route
Para evitar alteraciones en el medio natural durante el desarrollo de las actividades, está prohibido deteriorar, alterar o destruir cualquier recurso biótico, geológico, cultural o paisajístico y alterar significativamente el funcionamiento de los sistemas naturales y los patrones de comportamiento de los seres vivos, incluyendo como no permitidas las siguientes prácticas:
Realizar actividades que puedan producir pérdidas de suelo y cambiar los patrones naturales en drenajes.
Verter y abandonar objetos o residuos sólidos o líquidos fuera de los lugares habilitados
específicamente para ello.
Dar muerte, capturar en vivo, dañar, perseguir, molestar o inquietar intencionadamente a la fauna silvestre, en particular durante el periodo de reproducción, crianza, hibernación y migración, y recolectar sus larvas o crías, alterar o destruir sus hábitat, así como los lugares de reproducción y descanso.
Destruir, dañar o retirar de forma intencionada nidos o sus huevos, frezaderos y zonas de desove, así como la recogida o retención de huevos, aún estando vacíos.
Tocar y retirar cadáveres o restos de animales que pudieran ser localizados durante el desarrollo de una actividad, debiendo comunicarse el hallazgo a los Agentes de Medio Ambiente u otros agentes de la autoridad.
Destruir, recoger, cortar, talar o arrancar, en parte o en su totalidad, especímenes naturales de la flora silvestre, así como destruir sus hábitat.
Recoger fósiles y minerales.
Gritar y producir ruidos estridentes que perturben la tranquilidad del espacio y la fauna.
Realizar inscripciones o dañar las señales, vallados, cercados, edificaciones y demás elementos existentes en el espacio natural.
Utilizar los elementos naturales para señalizar la actividad de forma permanente o irreversible.
Arrojar cualquier objeto capaz de producir ignición tales como colillas, cerillas y cigarros encendidos o mal apagados, así como el uso del fuego para la preparación de alimentos fuera de la época y los lugares habilitados para ello, debiendo adoptarse las medidas preventivas adecuadas para evitar la propagación del mismo. En todo caso, los aparatos productores de calor mediante gases o líquidos inflamables se colocarán en zonas limpias de vegetación en una franja de, al menos, cinco (5) metros de radio alrededor de aquellos.